If your seller has requested to keep their home sale private, you can still say “yes” to the MLS by entering it as a Private Exclusive listing. Check out the FAQs below to learn what you need to know about this listing path option.
What is a Private Exclusive listing?
Private Exclusive listings should be used when property owner(s) wish to have anonymity/privacy when attempting to sell their property and instruct their broker to withhold their property listing from the MLS. Private Exclusive listings should be used on a limited basis when the sellers have instructed a broker to withhold their property listing from the MLS.
Are Brokerage Exclusive listings still available?
No, Private Exclusive listings have replaced Brokerage Exclusive listings.
Are there any time limitations for Private Exclusive listings?
REcolorado does not have any time limitations for Private Exclusives. Listings can follow the Private Exclusive listing path for the time specified in the agreement between the broker and the seller. Should the agreement be amended to include full marketing, the listing agent can update the Private Exclusive listing to an Active traditional listing.
Do I need to submit a form to REcolorado before entering a Private Exclusive?
Instead of a form, listing brokers will be required to affirm an attestation during the listing entry process. It is important that your sellers understand the difference between private marketing and public marketing and the impact both could have on selling their property.
Is there specific language that needs to be in the listing contract for a Private Exclusive?
REcolorado cannot give advice on agreements to buy or sell. Please check with your managing broker on the appropriate contract verbiage. Keep in mind that Private Exclusives only allow very limited marketing. This could impact the offers that are submitted, making it important to discuss the pros and the cons of Private Exclusive listings with sellers.
Who can see my Private Exclusive listing?
Once a Private Exclusive listing is entered into REcolorado Matrix, it will display to agents within the listing agent’s brokerage.
Where are Private Exclusive listings visible in Matrix for agents in my office?
Private Exclusive listings are viewable in the My Listings widget on the Matrix Dashboard and are searchable in the Matrix Speed Bar by the property’s listing ID or address for agents in the same office. Private Exclusive listings will prominently display on the Full Property View and the display will persist when the listing moves to an off-market status so all users will know the listing was a Private Exclusive. Listing History displays a Private Exclusive banner, including the dates the listing is/was Private Exclusive. Private Exclusive listing information is available in the PDAP feed for the agent’s office until it has Closed. After it has Closed, Private Exclusive listing information is available in all data feeds.
Can I track my production for Private Exclusive listings?
Yes, Private Exclusive listings are included on the My Production and Inventory Report and the My Office’s Production and Inventory Report after the listing has closed.
What happens to my Private Exclusive once it sells? Can I keep the information private if I want?
As soon as a Private Exclusive listing closes, it is available to everyone participating in the MLS.
What if another agent markets my Private Exclusive listing outside my sphere?
As long as the listing agent is only doing one-to-one marketing, this would not be a rule violation.
Can I change a listing from Private Exclusive to a “normal” or traditional path that is visible to all brokers and their clients?
Yes! The listing agent or managing broker can change a Private Exclusive to a traditional listing at any time. Keep in mind that Private Exclusive listings cannot be in the Coming Soon status but can move to Active, Withdrawn, Pending, Expired, or Closed. Once a listing is in the “normal” or traditional listing path, it cannot go back to Private Exclusive. DIM will be calculated based on the Active date of the listing.
If the listing broker decides with their client to make the Private Exclusive listing visible to all subscribers in Matrix, they can do so by accessing the Change to MLS Visibility section on the Modify Property Page. The listing agent, or office staff with editing permissions, may set the listing to be publicly visible by selecting “No” from the dropdown on the page.

How can I share my Private Exclusive listing with others?
Private Exclusive listings can be shared with agents in your network or your seller’s network on a one-to-one basis. This may or may not include agents from different brokerages. One-to-one marketing includes, but is not limited to, singular text messages, emails, direct messages from social media, Matrix or other real estate systems, and in-person conversations. Mass emails, group texts, or posts sent out through social media platforms are considered public marketing and are not allowed (see section regarding public marketing below).
What is public marketing?
Public marketing includes, but is not limited to, distributing flyers, yard signs, digital communications (e.g., email blasts), multi-brokerage sharing networks, social media, applications available to the general public, digital marketing on public-facing websites, including IDX/VOW and syndication portals.
What is private marketing?
Private marketing is one-to-one promotion within a broker’s or seller’s own network. This may or may not include agents from different brokerages. One-to-one marketing includes, but is not limited to, singular text messages, emails, direct messages from social media, Matrix or other real estate systems, and in-person conversations.
Can Private Exclusive listings have a yard sign?
No, yard signs are not permitted on Private Exclusive listing. Yard signs are public marketing and should only be used for traditional listings.
Are there other options that allow the property to be publicly marketed, while ensuring privacy for my clients?
Yes, Matrix has a couple options under the Marketing Tab in listing input. Properties can be withheld from public display on brokerage websites through IDX feeds. There is also an option to exclude the address from internet display. You can learn more about these options in our Resource Center article, Protecting Your Seller’s Privacy in the MLS.
What should I do if I hear about a Private Exclusive listing that I want to show to my clients, but it is not within my brokerage?
The best option is to reach out to the listing agent to schedule a showing. If you are unable to reach the listing agent, please call the REcolorado Customer Success team at 303.850.9576, option 1, or email support@REcolorado.com and they can help.
Is there a Coming Soon status for Private Exclusive listings?
Yes, Private Exclusive listings do have the option for Coming Soon status.
Are Private Exclusives included in data feeds?
Private Exclusive listings are available in the listing agent’s office data feed if they have a Participant Data Access Policy (PDAP) feed through MLS Grid. Private Exclusive listings are not available in any other data feeds when the listing is in an on-market status. Private Exclusive listings are available in all data feeds after they move to Closed status.
How are days in MLS (DIM) calculated for Private Exclusive listings?
DIM is calculated in the same way as a Traditional listing; beginning when the listing is changed to Active status. DIM will NOT be reset if the Private Exclusive visibility is changed. Days in MLS will be calculated separately for Private Exclusives and Traditional Listings.
Will the Private Exclusive show in listing history?
Yes, Private Exclusive information will display in the listing history. While the listing is a Private Exclusive, that information will only be available to agents within the listing agent’s brokerage. When the property moves to a Traditional listing or the Closed status, the history will be available to all participants of the MLS.
Can I have open houses for my Private Exclusive listing?
No, open houses are considered public marketing and are not allowed.
Can I have showings on my Private Exclusive listings?
Agents cannot set up showings on Private Exclusive listings, but they can show the property on a one-to-one basis outside of a showing management system.
What happens if I publicly market my Private Exclusive listing?
Public marketing of a Private Exclusive listing may put you at risk of Clear Cooperation Policy violations, which includes fines. If REcolorado’s Data Integrity team determines that a Private Exclusive listing is being marketed publicly, they will change the listing’s visibility to ensure that all subscribers can view the property and investigate any potential Clear Cooperation Policy violations.
Can I search for Private Exclusive listings in REcolorado Matrix?
Yes, Private Exclusive listings are searchable in the Matrix Speed Bar by the property’s listing ID or address for agents in the same office. Private Exclusive listings are also viewable by the listing broker, co-list broker, and brokers in the same listing office from the My Listings widget on the Matrix Dashboard.