Withdrawn and Expired Listings

Withdrawn vs. Expired Listings: What’s the Difference?Confused by withdrawn and expired listings? Withdrawn ListingsThe property is temporarily off the market, but the listing agreement is…

Active Listing Status

Active status indicates the listing is active in the MLS, available for showings, Days in MLS begin to accrue, and marketing is allowed. The Active…

Pending Listing Status

The sellers have accepted an offer! What status does the listing go to now? The listing will move to Pending, also referred to as Under…

Coming Soon Listing Status

Soon to be on the market with an executed listing agreement, the Coming Soon status allows listing visibility in Matrix to all REcolorado subscribers for…

REcolorado MLS Policy Updates

REcolorado’s has updated its MLS Policy to align with terms of the NAR Settlement. Here’s what you need to know. Compensation Prohibited Section 6.0 –…