Why are changes being made to the property type and subtype fields?
After MLS field changes were implemented to align with the RESO Data Dictionary, we learned that there has been some ongoing confusion around the property type input process in REcolorado Matrix. We take your feedback seriously and will be using it to implement phased enhancements that will improve your MLS experience.
What is changing?
The Multi-Family Property Subtype will be removed as an input option in REcolorado Matrix and we will be removing the requirement that says Condo or Townhouse must be listed in the property’s legal description when selecting Condo or Townhouse as the Property Subtype. After these adjustments have been made, it will still be possible to search for listings that were previously entered as Multi-Family until our next phase of changes is implemented.
We will also offer Duplex, Triplex, and Quadruplex as Structure Type options when Single Family Residence is selected as the Property Subtype. In our next phase of changes, we will further define properties as either attached or detached, so these changes will align with those plans. Read on to learn more about future plans for historical data.
Will Multi-Family listings that are already in the MLS be affected by these changes?
At this time, listings that are currently in Matrix as Multi-Family will not be changed to another property subtype. In the future, we plan to update historic listings so they reflect the correct subtype as part of our ongoing changes. The upcoming changes will only impact Residential, Residential Lease, and Cross Property listings. They will not affect Commercial listings. We will continue to update you as these changes are made.
How does this change impact commercial properties?
They will not be affected by this change – you will continue to have the Multi-Family property subtype option available for commercial listings.
How can I search for Multi-Family listings?
Multi-Family will remain a search option in the Property Subtype field for Residential, Residential Lease, Cross Property, and Commercial searches. In the future, we will be updating the property subtype for historic Residential and Residential Lease Multi-Family listings. Until then, you’ll be able to find Multi-Family listings as you normally would by starting a Residential, Residential Lease, Cross Property, or Commercial search and selecting Multi-Family in the Property Subtype section.