REcolorado Learning Path
Grow Your Business
Use the suite of tools available through REcolorado to build your farm area, keep in touch with clients, and grow your business.

Hands-On Classes, Live Online Learning, And Recorded Webinars
Farming: Tools to Identify, Maintain, and Profit from a Farm | Hands-On | Live Online | Recorded Webinar |
Matrix: Communication Tools | Hands-On | Live Online | Recorded Webinar |
Realist: Accessing Public Records | Hands-On | Live Online | Recorded Webinar |
Public Records in Matrix | Hands-On | Live Online | Recorded Webinar |
Running Reports on Agent and Office Productivity | Recorded Webinar |
More Resources: Grow Your Business
IntraMatrix Features
You have access to even more listing data through REcolorado! Thanks to strategic partnerships with like-minded MLSs and the IntraMatrix feature through Matrix, you can…
NeigborhoodIntel: Customizing Your Reports
Gain greater control over the content of your reports. With improved selective section removal, you can tailor each report to exactly what your clients need…
NeighborhoodIntel: Agent Personalization
Personalize your neighborhood reports further to align perfectly with your brand. NeighborhoodIntel offers customization options for your contact information, photo, and social media links. To…