Attract More Buyers When You Enter Every MLS Field!

You’ve got a new listing, congrats! Now it’s time to enter it into the MLS. Efficiency during the listing input process is important, but you don’t want to skip over the details in the interest of speed. This can lead to listing errors and fewer potential buyers. Instead, remember this tip: treat every field as if it were required! 

With complete and accurate listing details, everyone benefits! Read on to learn how. 

Pro Tip: Learn how to start a new listing, change statuses, and edit on the go when you visit our Listing Input and Edit Learning Path. 

Attract and Serve More Potential Buyers 

Every little bit helps in a changing market! There was a time when inventory was so tight that you could sell a home with only a price and one photo. That’s not the case anymore. As buyers have more power, they’re looking for more specific criteria.   

Listing input and search are opposite sides of the same coin, so when buyers are looking for specific interior features like mountain views and high ceilings or exterior features like a fenced yard or fire pit, they are more likely to find your listing if you complete those fields. Buyers can search by many fields, not only the required fields, so completing as much information as possible ensures your listing appears in all relevant search results. 

Pro Tip: Watch the recorded webinars for our Matrix: If It Can’t Be Found, It Can’t Be Sold class and our Power Up Your Listings with REcolorado Tools class to learn essential listing input tips and tricks.  

Be the Expert 

Did you know the REcolorado MLS has fields for residential green features like electric vehicle charging stations, active solar heating, and home energy scores? When you stay on top of the latest consumer trends and input them into their corresponding MLS fields, you’ll be able to help make your client’s home stand out from the crowd.  

Being familiar with every listing field also gives you a leg up with your buyer clients. If they have a question about a home, you can find the answer for them in the completed listing fields. 

Pro Tip: To see all the MLS fields for each property type in one place, check out our Listing Input Forms. 

Give Appraisers a Hand 

Appraisers appreciate complete information, including details like power production. Not only does it help appraisers pinpoint the most accurate comps, but complete listing information also assists them in identifying features that could increase the property value (when they might not otherwise be visible). Likewise, you also benefit from the additional detail that comes when locating the best properties for CMAs as you price a listing. 

Pro Tip: Check out our Resource Center post for 7 Quick Ways to Help an Appraiser Help You. 

REcolorado is Your MLS 

REcolorado’s MLS was created and customized for you! We listen carefully to your feedback and provide listing input fields tailored to the local market, alongside nationally recognized RESO fields. REcolorado is a RESO Platinum Certified MLS, which means that we provide a standard set of field names that everyone can use. When we’re all speaking the same language and completing as many listing fields as possible, it helps buyers, sellers, appraisers, and other brokers.