Learning Path: Marketing

REcolorado Learning Path

Marketing Your Listing

Market your listing to a wide audience using your REcolorado tools, from listing input to the metrics you need to know that your marketing is working.

Hands-On Classes, Live Online Learning, And Recorded Webinars

Farming: Tools to Identify, Maintain, and Profit From a FarmHands-OnLive OnlineRecorded Webinar
Power Up Your Listings with REcolorado ToolsHands-OnLive OnlineRecorded Webinar
How Well Are You Marketing Your Listing with REcolorado ToolsRecorded Webinar
How Are Your Listings PerformingRecorded Webinar
Market Your Open House to Millions of Consumers Using Your REcolorado ToolsRecorded Webinar
eProperty Watch – Home Valuation Reports for Your ClientsRecorded Webinar
Stay Connected with the REcolorado AppHands-OnLive OnlineRecorded Webinar
Running Reports on Agent and Office ProductivityRecorded Webinar

On-Demand Video: My REcolorado Listing Metrics

My REcolorado Listing Metrics
During this video, you will learn how to access and apply My REcolorado Listing Metrics.

More Resources: Marketing Your Listing

IDX Vendor List

IDX Vendor List

REcolorado is proud to offer our subscribers the ability to enhance their agent websites with IDX. Adding IDX to your website gives consumers the ability…