Public Records in Matrix brings you the power of Realist public records information without having to leave REcolorado Matrix. Having public records integrated with MLS listing data gives you a full view of the real estate market all in one platform.
How is Public Records in Matrix different than Realist?
You’ve always been able to access Realist through REcolorado Matrix – this is different.
You still have access to the Realist platform, but you also have a more convenient and powerful way to view that information within Matrix.
With Public Records in Matrix, you can search public records, print mailing labels, view public records history for a property, and share information with your clients – all within REcolorado Matrix.
Do I still need Realist?
Realist is still available for more detailed reports, including the Comparable report, Neighborhood Profile, and Assessor Maps. Plus, a new version of Realist is coming soon with enhanced features – stay tuned!
Searching Public Records in Matrix

Under the Matrix search menu, there’s an option titled ‘Public Record’ where you can access the Public Record search form. This form was designed with input from your peers – Colorado real estate professionals.
You can search Public Records in Matrix using the same great system you know and use every day – REcolorado Matrix. There’s no need to learn the ins and outs of another program when you can access the data you need all in one place.
When you search Public Records in REcolorado Matrix, your search results page will default to the Public Record Single Line display. You can browse through public records just as you do for listings! Plus, you can customize the single line display for public records, exactly like you can with listing results, and you can quickly see the last listing status.
More from Your Full Property View

Whether you’re running a listing search or a public record search, the Full Property View tabbed display provides up to six tabs of available information for the property. Tabular listing detail pages allow you to quickly bounce between History, the last listing, flood maps, and more.
You can find a comprehensive summary of a property on the History tab, which includes assessor, mortgage, and MLS details all on one page.
In addition to public record info and property history, this also includes a special Parcel Map tab with dynamic maps, meaning you can zoom in or drag to view different areas, and even “walk the block” to get parcel information about nearby properties.
Share Public Records with Your Clients
With Public Records in Matrix, you can easily view public records for properties that recently sold, but that were never listed in the MLS. This can be good information to share with your buyers and sellers through the Matrix Client Portal.

View Public Records in Matrix Mobile
One of the many benefits of Matrix is that it’s mobile. You can change your listing status, edit the price, update remarks, and now, search for public records directly from your phone. This makes it easier for you to quickly access and edit information on the go.

Be sure to check out all the training resources available to quickly search and view Public Records in Matrix. To learn more, register for an upcoming training class or view the recorded webinar.
If you have questions, feel free to contact our Customer Care team at 303.850.9576, option 1, or send an email to