Pending Listing Status

The sellers have accepted an offer! What status does the listing go to now?

The listing will move to Pending, also referred to as Under Contract. When a listing is in a Pending status, this indicates an offer has been accepted through a mutually executed contract, and the property is no longer on the market. It is a common misconception that this status is dependent on when the earnest money is received, however, that is not the case and the listing status should be updated once both parties have signed the agreement. If the seller is accepting back-up offers, showings can continue. Marketing can also continue while the listing is Pending, and Days in MLS pause during this period. An important reminder – If the contract should fall through for any reason and a new contract is signed, the listing in Matrix should be updated back to an Active status and then changed accordingly to Pending with the new under-contract date.

Do not forget– a recent change banner will be displayed under the property photo for 15 days after the status is updated to Pending.