Days in MLS or DIM is a term that indicates how long a listing has been Active in the MLS.
When a listing is in Coming Soon status, Days in MLS does not accrue. Additionally, when a listing is in Withdrawn or Pending status, Days in MLS is held in abeyance.
Expiring listings to reset Days in MLS (DIM)
Please be aware, manipulating REcolorado Matrix in this way is a violation of our MLS Policy. One of the reasons we have rules is to make certain we all have accurate data, which is key to serving our clients. Accurate data includes how long a home has been on the market.
None of us want our buyers to get excited when they find a new listing, only to find out it’s not truly new. And, we certainly don’t want our sellers getting calls from other brokers because their listing is showing as Expired.
This is why The REcolorado MLS Policy Council is strengthened the language around, as well as the consequences for, expiring listings.
Strengthen your Listing (without resetting DIM)
So, what can you do to strengthen your listing so it will show up in more searches?
- How about adjusting the price? Many times making a small adjustment will make the listing fall into a different price range, which will make it appear in more searches for more buyers
- Completing EVERY listing field in REcolorado Matrix is also effective. The more complete fields, the more opportunity for your listing to be found in a search!
- You can also rearrange your photos. The first photo does not have to be the front of the house. Maybe switch it up to be the beautiful kitchen or open floor plan.
- Have you thought about re-writing your public remarks or your private remarks to add keywords or to make them catchy and informative?
- What about asking your sellers if they want to make some changes – staging the home, decluttering, painting a few walls, planting some flowers. Remember, days in MLS does not accumulate when a listing is in Withdrawn status.
- Listing brokers can use a Reverse Prospect list to notify fellow brokers about price changes, open houses, and more. Be sure to print your Reverse Prospect list before and after making any changes to your listings to see who the new brokers are on the list.
- Don’t forget, Listing Metrics, an exclusive tool available to you through your REcolorado subscription that offers valuable insights into the views, shares, saves, and inquires your listing is getting.
Have questions? Our Customer Success team is just a phone call or email away. Contact REcolorado Customer Success at 303.850.9576, option 1, or