Welcome to REcolorado!
We’re thrilled to have you as a new subscriber. To make the most of your subscription, we encourage you to explore the full range of tools and resources available. A great way to begin your journey is by watching the video series in the Getting Started Learning Path. You’ll also want to review the MLS Policy Guide to stay informed on best practices and check the Connect Dashboard for important updates and announcements. Remember that our Customer Success team is just a phone call away, available Monday through Saturday!
REcolorado Customer Success
303.850.9576, option 1
New Subscriber Checklist
Recommended Classes for New Subscribers
REcolorado’s Education and Development team offers a variety of classes available in-person, on Zoom, or recorded and on-demand. These five classes are recommended for all new REcolorado subscribers.
Looking for more self-paced learning? Try REcolorado’s online Education Center >>