Have a Vacation Coming Up? Consider Using Showami! 

Showami is a tool that connects you with agents who can cover your showings for you when you can’t be in two places at once. It’s a great option if you’ve got a vacation coming up or another appointment that conflicts with a showing you’ve already got on the books. Now they offer more than just help for your buyer showings—you can also use Showami to get someone to cover for your open houses or open doors for inspectors and appraisers. 

Showami has launched “Showami Platinum”, which adds several new features to the basic platform. Platinum launched in August with new features, including: 

  • Scheduling coverage for open houses 
  • Opening doors for inspectors and appraisers 
  • A referral network between agents on Showami 

Each of these new request options will be easily identifiable and will include block timing. For example, open house coverage requests will explicitly say “Open House” in the request, making them more identifiable and explicitly stating which block of hours they will need the agent to assist with the request. 

Referral Network Process 

Showami allows their Platinum agents to leverage their nationwide network to refer their clients or to receive referrals from other agents within the network. The referral will be sent to agents in the geographic area where you are referring your client. After being notified, agents will have the ability to respond to your request with their credentials and will be able to submit a presentation/brochure for your review. Agents will not receive any of your client’s identifying information during the initial submission. You will have the ability to review the agent’s information before selecting an agent for your referral. Once an agent is selected by you to receive the referral, a referral agreement will be created and sent to you and the receiving agent for signatures. The client’s information will be included on the referral form. 

To learn more about Showami Platinum, visit showami.com/platinum. If you’d like to sign up for Showami, go to showami.com